Upcoming Workshops Summer 2023
Scratchboard Workshop – One Day Workshop at Southern Arts Society in Kings Mountain
Saturday, September 23, 2023 • 9:00-12:00
This workshop will provide a brief overview of the medium, its history, its tools, and techniques, and how to protect finished scratchboard drawings. (The focus will be on black & white techniques, but an overview of how color is used will be be part of the medium and history overview.)
Each student will recieve two small scratchboards to use and keep after the class; scratch tools, ink, and brushes will be provided for their use during class.
This class will provide hands-on experience in two basic scratchboard methods: vignette drawing on a white background and drawing on a solid black background.
- Cost: $40 for SASi members / $45 for non-members
- Experience: No experience necessary – suitable for both beginning and intermediate levels.
- Materials: Included in cost
- Location: 301 N. Piedmont Ave., Kings Mountain, NC 28086
- Class info sheet: available for download here
- To Register: Must register in advance to save your seat. Space is limited. Payment is made to:
Southern Arts, Society, Inc., www.southernartssociety.org; 704-739-5585; southernartssociety@gmail.com
Previous Workshops
Scratchboard Workshop – One Day Workshop at Southern Arts Society in Kings Mountain
Saturday, August 7, 2021 • 9:00-12:30
This workshop will provide a brief overview of the medium, its history, its tools, and techniques, and how to protect finished scratchboard drawings.
Each student will receive two small scratchboards to use and keep after the class; scratch tools, ink, and brushes will be provided for their use during class. This class will provide hands-on experience in two basic scratchboard methods: vignette drawing on a white background and drawing on a solid black background.
- Cost: $40 for SASi members
- $45 for non-members
- Experience: No experience necessary – suitable for both beginning and intermediate levels.
- Materials: Included in cost
- Location: 301 N. Piedmont Ave., Kings Mountain, NC 28086
- Class info sheet: available for download here
- To Register: Payment is made to: Southern Arts, Society, Inc., www.southernartssociety.org; 704-739-5585; southernartssociety@gmail.com
Introduction to Scratchboard – Saturday, October 13, 2018
9:00-12:30 • Southern Arts Society
What exactly IS scratchboard – and how do you use it?
Join us at Southern Arts Society for a hands-on learning experience with ALL MATERIALS PROVIDED!
This workshop will provide a brief overview of the medium, its history, its tools, and techniques, how to add color, and how to protect finished scratchboard drawings. Each student will receive two small scratchboards to use and keep after the class; scratch tools, ink, and brushes will be provided for their use during class.
This class will provide hands-on experience in two basic scratchboard methods: vignette drawing on a white
background and drawing on a solid black background.
Cost: $50 for Southern Arts Society members
$55 for non-members
Experience: No experience necessary – suitable for both beginning and intermediate levels.
Materials: Included in cost
Location: Southern Arts Society, 301 N. Piedmont Ave., Kings Mountain, NC 28086
To Register: contact Southern Arts, Society, Inc.
04-739-5585 or
Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017 – I held my first scratchboard class at the Southern Arts Society in Kings Mountain in the upper gallery. Students made two common types of scratchboard drawings: black background and silhouette. Check out the workshop drawings: